Falls Prevention & You

Steps to Protect Your Health

1 in 5 Washington residents aged 65 and older fall each year.

Falls are just a part of aging, right? Actually, falls can be preventable; especially, when you take steps to protect your health or that of a loved one. 

When falls occur, they can cause moderate to severe injuries, from hip fractures to head injuries. And, sometimes, falls can even cause death. In fact, more than 50 percent of all injury-related deaths to those aged 65+ in Washington were contributed to falls.

So, how do you know if you or a loved one are at risk? Here are some signs to watch for:

  • Gait/balance problems
  • Poor vision
  • Malnutrition or vitamin deficiencies
  • And, more

Take this quick quiz by the National Council on Aging to determine your risk: START HERE

So, now that you know your risk, or that of a loved one, what can you do to prevent falls? Here are some easy steps:

  • Exercise! Build your balance, strength, and flexibility.
  • Talk to your health care provider about fall concerns.
  • Get your vision and hearing checked every year.
  • Keep your home safe. Remove clutter, brighten rooms, and consider installing safety features like grab bars.

Not certain where the potential hazards are in your home? Here is a handy checklist to follow: CHECK FOR SAFETY

Don't forget: we're here for you, too! The Lewis-Mason-Thurston Area Agency on Aging can connect you to additional information on falls prevention as well as organizations that can help with safety modifications to your home.

STEADI for Older Adults: Stay Independent Brochure  Icon: PDF

STEADI for Older Adults

Older Adult Being Assisted in Chair by CaregiverOlder Adult Receiving Assistance from Caregiver
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